I’ve come to realize in my personal development journey that the better questions you ask, the better answers you get. Tony Robbins says “The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of the questions you are asking yourself.” So I ask you…do you think there’s more to life than you are currently experiencing? You’re right. How do you get to that next, higher level? Ask higher level questions.
I’ll tell you 3 of my favorite higher level questions right now.
- What am I making this mean?
- What’s the alternative?
- How is this happening for me?
Now, let’s go DEEP with these questions. Come with me.
There are so many occasions I could use these questions to get me out of the unintentional thought process I’m stuck in that’s likely causing me A LOT of negative emotion. Yes, I’m talking stress, overwhelm, anger, frustration…you know it.
Here’s a scenario:
The kitchen is a mess, there’s laundry to be done, the dining table hasn’t been clean for weeks, the floors need to be swept.
Enter – What am I making this mean?
Currently there’s a good chance I’m making it mean I’m a mess, my life is a mess, I can’t do all of this, I’m failing, I should be able to keep everything clean, etc.
Well that sucks right?! What could it really mean?!
Here’s the reframe.
It could really mean that I cooked a homemade meal vs ordering food, we have clothes to wear, we have animals, and people, and messes happen because what’s more important?
Enter – What’s the alternative?
I don’t have a house, or a kitchen or a dining table, or clothes, or floors to even keep clean? I’ll take what I’ve got, thank you.
Enter – How could this be happening for me?
To remind me what’s truly important in life. To remind me to ASK FOR HELP for crying out loud. Could this be happening for me to once again remind myself to speak up and tell my husband to help out with these things?
Does this sound familiar to you? Probably. Everybody says “Oh, everyone’s motherhood journey is different…”, but what if it’s not? I have talked to hundreds of mama’s who have all had similar thoughts.
The difference between those that enjoy motherhood versus those that survive motherhood is the questions they ask themselves. Those questions lead to the thoughts they have. Those thoughts lead to the way they experience motherhood.
My kitchen can remain a mess, but based on my thoughts about it, the quality of my life will still be so much better than if I made the messy kitchen mean I am a wreck. Do you see that?
The Modern Mama Takes Action:
- Ask yourself the 3 questions above by entering them into any situation you’re currently worrying about.
- Is it hard to see how to use these questions in your situation? That means you’re not at the next level yet. That’s okay, you can get there. Get in touch with me either through the free community, or sign up for 1:1 coaching with me, and I’ll get you to the next level faster than your baby picks up their toys. (link work with me page)
Your Coach, Kristen